Human Corporation

お見積り・申込書等依頼フォーム / Quote/Enquiry form


Type of insurance
契約者のお名前/Name of Applicant *
契約者の携帯電話番号 / Appliant's mobile phone number in Japan *
契約者の生年月日 / Applicant's date of birth *
契約者のメールアドレス / Email address of applicant *
保険始期日 / Start date of policy *

*最短保険始期日は保険料着金日からとなります *Policy can only start from a date premium is received at Human Corporation

コメント欄 / Comments
リビングプロテクト総合保険 更新・継続手続きのオンライン契約切替希望のお客様のみ/
Customer with request to switch Living Protection Comprehensive Insurance renewal to online method

オンライン契約への切替希望の申込番号・証券番号 (申込書右上記載)/
Policy number/Number of Contract (refer top right of application form) of request

 FLP   - 

▽賃貸住居入居者用火災保険 / Home insurance (leased property)

リビングプロテクト総合保険/Living Protection Comprehensive Insurance

Language of quotation / application *
保険の対象地住所 /
Insured property address *
対象地の㎡数 /
Area size of property in sq meter *
(Application style/Payment method) *
(preferred plan and premium based on plan table) *
*For English, please click here

Chubb損害保険 リビングプロテクト総合保険では、すべてのプランに個人賠償責任保険、借家人賠償責任保険、修理費用、事故被害者弁護士費用の補償がセットされています。


個人賠償責任保険: 1億円(※自己負担額無し)

借家人賠償責任保険: 2,000万円(※自己負担額3万円)


修理費用: 100万円(※自己負担額なし)

事故被害者弁護士費用: 法律相談費用 1回1万円/1事故3万円、弁護士費用 1契約年度 100万円



下記にてご希望の補償額を入力ください。Please complete below to request quoation:

保険期間 / Policy Period

年 / year

1) 希望の家財一式の保険金額(事故があった際の再調達価格)

/ Total insured amount on Personal Property (should be a value at replacement cost in case of an accdient)

 円 / yen

※最低保険金額は 40万円*Min available will be JPY 400,000

2) 地震保険 / Earthquake insurance

For English, please click here







▽火災保険(建物・家財)/Home insurance (owned property - self use)

すまいのプロテクト総合保険/Sumai no Protect Sogo Hoken (policy is only reegisetred in Japanese hence all materials, claim support etc will be in Japanese. Agent can't interpret/translate materials into different langauge)

保険の対象地住所 /
Insured property address *
契約者住所 /
Applicant's address *
対象地の㎡数 /
Area size of property in sq meter *
保険期間 / Policy duration *
建物構造/Construction of Building *


Please have Tatemono Tokibo Tohon ready in PDF as we need to confirm construction type of building.

希望する補償項目/Covearge to be insured *


Basic option of [地震火災費用] and [事故時諸費用補償特約20%] will be included in initial quote.


Quotation with Type 2 (without 水災) will be created on initial quote for mansion/apartment 2F and above.

建物評価に関して/Building Evaluation *


Please send copy of building evaluation documents if available.

▽火災保険(賃貸建物用火災保険及び所有者賠償責任保険)/Home insurance (owned property - for lease)

すまいのプロテクト総合保険/Sumai no Protect Sogo Hoken (policy is only reegisetred in Japanese hence all materials, claim support etc will be in Japanese. Agent can't interpret/translate materials into different langauge)

保険の対象地住所 /
Insured property address *
契約者住所 /
Applicant's address *
対象地の㎡数 /
Area size of property in sq meter *
保険期間 / Policy duration *
建物構造 / Construction of Building *


Please have Tatemono Tokibo Tohon ready in PDF as we need to confirm construction type of building.

希望する補償項目/Covearge to be insured *

Basic option of [地震火災費用] and [事故時諸費用補償特約20%] will be included in initial quote.

Quotation with Type 2 (without 水災) will be created on initial quote for mansion/apartment 2F and above.

建物評価に関して / Building Evaluation *


Please send copy of building evaluation documents if available.

▽自動車保険/Automobile (car) insurance

Copy of Shakensho will be required for the quote. Please have PDF ready with copy of driver's license

Language of quotation/application *
自動車の型式 / Symbol *
メーカー・モデル / Maker and model *
初度登録年月 / Year and month of first registration of car *
排気量 / Displacement (L) *
使用目的/Purpose of use *
被保険者 / Named insured *

契約者=被保険者ですか?Applicant=named insured?

いいえの場合/Incase of No: 被保険者の生年月日と契約者との関係/date of birth of named insured and relationship with applicant:

最年少運転者の生年月日/Date of birth of yongest driver *
運転者について/Driver's limit *
運転免許証の色 / Color of driver's license *

*for international license, it will be set as blue

他の自動車保険の有無 / Other automobile insurance under same applicant's name in Japan *


希望する補償項目 / Covearge to be insured *


Initial quotation will include Bodily Injury Liability (BI) and Property Damage Liability (PD) set unlimited and Bodily Injury Indemnification (BII). Road service is included as compulsory.

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